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Knowledge Hub
All the resources your growing business needs to achieve its growth potential.
What Companies are Eligible for SEIS and EIS?
SEIS and EIS schemes transform early-to-mid stage businesses into lucrative investment opportunities. Let's take a look at who is eligible.
The Ultimate Guide to SEIS and EIS
A comprehensive guide to SEIS and EIS. This blog details Advanced Assurance, tax relief, and tax exemptions for investors.
A startup's guide to writing a business plan
Business plans are fantastic tools for mapping out your company's growth roadmap - for internal planning, and external funding.
Different types of equity investors, and which is right for your business
Fundraising can be challenging for businesses. Here, we've categorised investors into groups, to help you identify which is right for you!
EMI Options Scheme: How startups can attract and incentivise employees
The EMI Options Scheme is a fantastic accounting tool that attracts staff by offering them shares in your company, with great ROI potential.
How R&D Tax Credits can revive a loss-making business
Loss-making businesses are entitled to the most tax relief from R&D Tax Credits, making them a fundamental part of any startup's accounting.
Accounting Expenses: Everything you need to know
Here we break down everything you need to know about your business' accounting expenses, and how to keep track of them.
Can Grant Funding & R&D Tax Credits be used on the same project?
Grant Funding & R&D Tax Credits: which scheme should you choose? Jump Accounting is here to tell you how you can take advantage of both!
A guide to Pre-seed, Seed and Series A funding for startups
Approaching the world of funding can be overwhelming. We've explained the basics, to help new founders approach investment with confidence.
Why it’s time to take your office (and accounting) paperless
Going paperless can benefit your workplace is many ways, particularly within your Accounting department. Here's how to make the switch.
Understanding Basic Accounting Terms
For new founders, the first step to understanding finances is to get your head around the basic accounting terms. We've listed them here.
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